Category: American Revolutionary War

Portraits of William Tryon and George Washington

25 June 1775 George Washington amd William Tryon arrive in New York on the same day

On the 15th of June 1775, George Washington was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the recently established Continental Army. He was heading to Boston from Philadelphia, when he entered New York on the 25th of June. There was a procession through the streets of the city. People, Alexander Hamilton and Hercules Mulligan among them, were cheering  the

Claire (Caitriona Balfe) on a boat back to Jamie (Sam Heughan) in the first episode of Outlander season 7.

A heroine should not stay too long in custody (Outlander S07E01 recap)

Pacing will be the most pivotal question of the remaining two seasons of Outlander. Especially during the 7th series, which premiered last weekend. There are still some very important plotlines to wrap up before the story turns to the big ones connected to the big moments  of real-life history. Thus, it is little wonder that

Quote of the Day on the Trapped on the 18th century blog

“excepting only from the benefit of such pardon, Samuel Adams and John Hancock”

In this exigency of complicated calamities, I avail myself of the last effort within the bounds of my duty, to spare the effusion of blood; to offer, and I do hereby in his Majesty’s name, offer and promise, his most gracious pardon in all who shall forthwith lay down their arms, and return to the

Part of the portrait of Arthur St. Clair (1737-1818), general of the Continental Army by Charles Wilson Peale (c. 1783)

12 June 1777 – Arthur St. Clair arrives in Ticonderoga

The former commander, General Anthony Wayne left Fort Ticonderoga in April. General St. Clair (a Scotland-born veteran of the British army from the French and Indian War, who joined the Continental Army in January 1776) arrived  with 2500 men in three brigades under Generals Alexis Roche de Fermoy, John Paterson, and Enoch Poor. However,  more

Quote of the Day on the Trapped on the 18th century blog

“my health is quite infirm”

Dr. Church returns today, and, with smarting eyes, I must write a few lines to you. I never had in my life such severe duty to do, and was never worse qualified to do it. My eyes depress my spirits, and my health is quite infirm. Yet I keep about, and attend Congress very constantly.

Quote of the Day on the Trapped on the 18th century blog

John Graves Simcoe’s love letter on Valentine’s Day

”Fairest Maid, where all Is fair, Beauty’s pride and Nature’s care; To you my heart I must resign, O choose me for your Valentine! Love, Mighty God! Thou knows’t full well, where all thy Mother’s graces dwell, Where they inhabit and combine to fix thy power with spells divine; Thou knows’t what powerful magick lies

Quote of the Day on the Trapped on the 18th century blog

James Thacher about abandoning Fort Ticonderoga

Doctor James Tacher (1754-1844), surgeon of the Continental Army documented his life and work during the Revolutionary War. He witnessed may pivotal moments of this big historical event. He was there, when General Arthur St. Clair abandoned Fort Ticonderoga on 5th July 1777. Here it is, what Thacher wrote in his journal about that day

Extract from the picture Charles Lee with his dog

When General Charles Lee shocked Abigail Adams

General Charles Lee (1732-1782) , one of the most controversial figure of the American Revolutionary War, was a great friend of dogs. Indeed, while he was considered a personality hard to like , an opinionated man, who always criticized everyone (often rightly, but the harsh way, how he did it was quite unpleasant), he seemed