One unfortunate circumstance occurred on this occasion , which created considerable embarrassment , and deranged the plan of operations . Major General Lee , was ordered by the Commander in Chief , to advance and attack the enemy’s rear , so soon as a proper opportunity should offer . Having approached very near , instead of engaging , he suffered his troops to retreat in some confusion . On learning this , his Excellency was exceedingly mortified and astonished ; coming up to General Lee , and meeting part of his corps in their flight , he with some warmth inquired the cause of his retreat , and addressed General Lee , in language which implied censure . The high spirited Lee could not brook the slightest appearance of dis- approbation , and replied with an air of disrespect . He however , requested of his Excellency fresh orders for the conduct of his corps , and these he promptly obeyed , and discovered no want of bravery in the field . But , unable to quell the rankling of a turbu- lent temper , he addressed after the battle, two letters to the Commander in Chief , containing improper and disrespectful expressions . As if in defiance of superior authority, he demanded a trial by a court martial, that he might have an opportunity of vindicating his conduct, in consequence of which his Excellency has put him under arrest to await his trial.
James Thatcher: A Military Journal During the American Revolutionary War From 1775- 1783
Army surgeon Janes Thacher M. D. describes Genersl Charles Lee’s controversial behaviour during the Battle of Monmouth Court House and George Washington’s angry reaction to it.